Friday, October 21, 2011

Obsession and I'm awk


Recently, I've been obsessed with the show, 1000 ways to die and SAW. Anyways, apparently, 1000 ways to die are based on real deaths or are real...

Its basically like Final Destination in the sense that people can die in the most bizarre/everyday ways.

Also...I do this weird thing...Ok. For example, Right now I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie....Usually...I take a small pillow and put it under my hoodie...and if I'm tired I rest on it or unzip my hoodie a bit, so the pillow is partially out, and lay my head on it, on my desk...

<3 Momo

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scrubs and Things before we leave highschool


Today I wore scrubs for the first time. I have no idea who said scrubs were comfortable. Scrubs are the most uncomfortable things ever. They are so loose and the pants go past my belly button. yea.
Anyways, I was thinking we should compiles a list of things to do before we leave highschool!
1. Pull an all-nighter...I was close to pulling one once...but never did
2. Watch a complete movie marathon...
3. Fall asleep under the open sky!
4. Go trick or treating on a random day.

Haha thats all I can think of for now. Anyways, we have a math quiz tomorrow. Wah! Gots to study.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011



It would be so cute if we could get Pokeball shaped bags somewhere. Or get one of those plastic pumpkins and cover it up with red and white (duct tape perhaps? I don't know) and make it look like a Pokeball, that'd be adorable.

You know how the hat has those Pokeballs hanging from it? I like hitting myself in the head with them and yelling "PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU!" As you can tell, I am completely normal. Clearly.

<3 Rika

Finally Blogging Again. Lol.


I love that costume idea, I think it would work pretty well. Lol you and your thigh high sock obsession. ;) Now we just gotta find yellow hoodies somewhere...

Umm, I'm trying to do some German homework. Well not homework really, but I think we're supposed to read some article that we were looking at in class, I'm not quite sure... Anyway, I have health tomorrow... Ew.

I decided that I'm gonna go to sleep latest at 9:30 today. Really early I know, but I'm super tired so yea.

Back to German stuff!

Good night.

<3 Rika

Saturday, October 8, 2011



I GOT IT. we buy yellow yellow and brown felt. cut the felt to make the two stripes on the back, and glue it onto the sweatshirt.
take the yellow felt and cut it out like the tail, and glue the brown felt on the tail. !!! there we go!
oh, and we could do black thigh-high socks with shorts and sneakers? and i remember i saw black fingerless glove things. we shouldve gotten that!!!!! we don't need a complete pair. if each of us has like one glove, thats cool too.

<3 Momo


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Job dies

Although I had a rant about the iPhone, he is still the greatest innovator of our time, revolutionizing technology, and changing the world. I'm sad.