Monday, October 3, 2011

Worst. Day. Ever.


Today has been THE WORST DAY EVER. One of those days where everything goes wrong. So I wake up in the morning and my parents start talking about maybe we shouldn't take Maxwell with us. This pissed me off so much, not exactly the greatest way to start the day. Then I miss the bus I usually take so I had to take the one that leaves 10 minutes later. Because of that, I had to practically run to school so that I'd make it in time. When I got to class, we started our math test almost immediately. It was so hard, I feel like I failed or something. And if that wasn't enough, the IB Coordinator starts complaining to me:
Do you realize how much extra work you're creating for the teachers by moving? ... I think it's stupid for you to move now. You should just stay here. (me: my parents are moving, I can't really stay here alone...) Yes you can. (me: I don't mind moving) huffy voice Oh you don't mind moving. walks away

That really pissed me off. YOU DON'T START BLAMING A STUDENT LIKE THAT, YOU JUST DON'T DO IT. IT WAS INCREDIBLY RUDE, UNPROFESSIONAL, AND UNCALLED FOR. I'm so glad to be leaving, I finally get rid of him. :P

I hate today. Today sucks. Hopefully your day is better.

<3 Rika

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