Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3 WEEKS AND COUNTING. Oh and Lotsa Hate.


I hate this song.

I hate it with a burning passion. It is the most annoying song ever. Yes, even more annoying than Popular. Just listen to it. You'll understand what I mean...

It really annoys me when people switch languages all the time. Like today I had a free period so I was sitting in the IB lounge and reading our English book and there was this one girl there that really got on my nerves. She'd like say something in English, then in the middle of the sentence she'd switch to Finnish, only to switch back to English after a few words. IT STARTED TO REALLY PISS ME OFF so I took my iPod and started listening to music loudly. It helped.

Also, German class is so stupid. Usually we have a substitute and I don't like her. A few weeks ago we were discussing accusative and dative and genetive (AGAIN, WE'VE DONE THAT LIKE EVERY SINGLE YEAR. HELLO, I LEARNED THAT IN LIKE 7TH GRADE!). Anyway, so we were looking at sentences and had to identify stuff and then she asks what we use with während. Somebody answered dative and she was like "Yea, good job". I'm just like "Uhh, it's with genetive..." and she's like "Well people are starting  to use it more and more with dative, but technically it's with genetive. So if you want full points on a test, use genetive." and I was just thinking like "Naw, it's not like I want full points on a test or anything..." UGH STUPID TEACHER.

I feel like such a hater... It's not my fault that the world is full of annoyingness. :P

I'll add a happy picture to distract you from all the hating because I'm so clever like that. :)


...IN EXACTLY 3 WEEKS I'M STARTING SCHOOL THERE! AHHHH scawy. I still can't believe it. I don't know, it's weird after all these years I can finally come back.

Your video's loading. It's slowwwwwww. I'm doing math homework. LOAD FASTER. GRR. Aww you were so adorably awkward. ;) I'm glad nobody's ever interviewed me, I'd have no idea what to say, I'm not good with improvising like that.

Oh by the way, I don't think we'll end up being roomies for a week or two after all because it seems like my mom will be there before my dad leaves. :/

And I don't think I'll start my own blog, at least not at the moment. I wouldn't have anything to say.

<3 Rika

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