Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senioritis, Senior Skip Day, and Senior Citizens.


Sucks you have to go to school from 8-4, but at least its still 8. remember, when you get here you have to wake up at freaking 6:00, or if you are me, get waken up by my sister at like 6:50 and start flipping out.
Anyways, so lucky your school days are 10-4, though.
And oh my mom gets worried when I sleep earlier than 12-1..LOL. it sucks.however, thats usually because I wait last minutes to do notes. On a typical school night I will go to sleep at 12:00.
School is horrible for me... First, I go to highschool A from 7:20 to 12:30, then i go to highschool B from 1:00-2:30, and then go to highschool A again 'till 3:00.
Today after 3:00, I went to Saher's house to work on a project...then at 4:30 we went to the hospital to feed senior citizens. It was very difficult, and I decided that I would never try waitressing. Anywho, we got out at 6:30, and I just got home now. SO STRESSED
so yea. i definately feel your pain :(

Fortunately, it is a Jewish holiday tomorrow so I have off, and I am skipping school Friday for Senior Skip day. Unfortunately, I have to go to ANOTHER highschool on thursday and friday, Highschool C from 1:00-2:30.


and btw, I failed SATs...I think you will do fine!...ugh...


<3 Momo
P.S. That would be wonderful. Do you want to go out for lunch? Your parents could drive, but we could easily walk somewhere! After, I have to talk to the guidance counselor, which won't take long at all! Then I can tour you around the school!!!!

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