Monday, September 19, 2011

Randomness Like Always


I really have nothing interesting to say. Today I got a haircut, got some lowlights, it looks purty.

Had a bio test today, was pretty easy. Except now I'm kinda annoyed how the teacher told us to learn all about the differences between angiospermophyta and bryophyta, etc. I really couldn't care less whether a plant has true roots or if they're actually just rhizoids, whether they flower in multiples of three or four or five, or if it contains naked seeds in cones, just to name a few inane things I had to memorize and that will never affect my life in any way whatsoever.

It's raining. It rained yesterday. It's rained for the past month. It'll probably rain tomorrow. Yay....

You look so awesome in that pic, sort of touristy in a way, haha.

Last night I had a dream about registering at high school there and there were lots of Finnish people there and it was really confusing... I didn't really like that dream.

So here is my attempt at drawing something graffiti style. I'm pretty happy with it, I think it looks cool. Now I really wanna color it, except I gotta buy those special alcohol markers (copic markers, is that what they're called?) since they apparently blend really well and nicely.

I feel like your blog posts make a lot more sense than mine. They're a lot more coherent and focus on one thing. Mine are all "blah blah blah OH AND BLAHDY BLAH BLAH and also blah blaaaah". OH WELL.

Now I'm gonna go try to find my phone. ADIOS.

<3 Rika

P.S. Are you going to homecoming?

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