Friday, September 16, 2011



I have been posting tons lately, and realized you haven't seen a picture of my hair! Here it is:
There we go! I took it from my iPhone, which still works...YAY, but is very unattractively scratched. BOO. :(

<3 Momo

P.S. This photo was taken before going to the sweet 16!
P.P.S. I really am getting FAT...I had like 6 meals today. 
Breakfast-FRIED dumplings
Lunch-Creamy alfredo pasta
After school-Roast beef sandwich from whole foods!
Dinner-Tuna sandwich from whole foods! (so yummy)
Before bed meal??LOL (11PM!)-Thai Lake fried seafoods. SOO YUMMY. my parents went to a baseball game and stopped by my fav seafood restaurant. 

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