Monday, September 12, 2011

Imma Be A Graffiti Artist! I Wonder If There's A Spray Painting For Dummies Book...


Ahaha that dress. "I believe I'm a 0, I believe I'm a 0, I BELIEVE I'M A 0!" I don't know how you managed to eat hibachi with that dress, that must have been quite an accomplishment.

9/11 made me sad for some reason, I don't really know why. It pissed me off though how people can just kill so many other people and not care about it. It's weird how I can't remember anything about that day. I know I was pretty young, but still, you'd think I could remember SOMETHING at least... Yesterday I was listening to these random songs about America and in one song there's this one line I really love. It goes "We might not always get it all right, but there's no place else I'd rather build my life." It's so true, there really is no other place I'd rather be.

Haha your magazine interview thing reminded me of something I gotta tell you. So at the end of last month my friend and I found out about this graffiti competition and we decided to just randomly enter. So we drew some random drawing and sent it to them. When we hadn't heard anything from them at the beginning of September, we thought that we hadn't made it into the finals. Today during free period I get a text message like "Thank you for entering the competition. I am pleased to inform that your team is in the finals." Then it went on to say that on Friday, we get to spray paint our design... This will definitely be interesting because neither my friend nor I have ever spray painted... How do I get myself into these situations? Oh well, I'm determined to win! We're going to practice on Wednesday I think.

Today I told people at school that I'm leaving. They were shocked. Many of the reactions were kinda entertaining though, lol. It was like "I'm moving" "... what, no you're not." "Yes I am" "...WHAT, NO YOU'RE NOT."

Oh so in math we finally started calculus and I was all excited about it so I raised my hand for every question. The teacher started to ignore me. I was sad. Wow I'm a nerd... OH WELL.

I'm determined to go to sleep earlyish today. Yesterday I fell asleep after 1 or something, so I only got like 5-6 hours of sleep...

...LALALLAA bye.

<3 Rika

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