Saturday, September 3, 2011

I hate my iPhone...That and other things...No, I did not drink haterade.


I hate my iPhone. A lot. So the other day, I was walking from lunch, and a freshman collided into me. He was probably late for class. I saw the whole scene play in slow motion...My iPhone slipped out of my hand and dropped screen first onto the ground. "Crack."

This is already my second iPhone within a couple months, and it broke. I've probably had over 30 phones throughout my short life span. How? Well, two phones ago, I had this hideous Nokia flip phone which I broke about 20 or so times. So yes...I guess I'm clumsy, but that is besides the point.
I'm not trying to blame this freshman, because it wasn't entirely his fault. I mean, I wasn't looking. are a couple other reasons why I hated my phone (just to name a few):
1. Whenever I laid down, the screen would not flip the way I wanted to...(This is kind of a whiny complaint. Yes, I know)
2. Dropped calls. You have no idea how many calls my phone has dropped.
3. AT&T (though I have nothing against the server) does not provide unlimited data plans anymore!
4. Most apps are not for free.
5. No removable battery, and really terrible battery life.
6. Freezes so much, and closes the applications I am using on random.
7. Takes me hours to put in the ringtone I want it to (SYNCING, etc...)
8. Apple is just selling the brand, and I bought into the hype.

That is all I can think of at the moment. But to be completely honest, even though I hate my phone I still do love it. My iPhone is kind of like a dysfunctional child. As a parent, I have to love my child no matter how annoying and messed up it is...
After this, I really need to debate what phone I should get next. iPhone, Blackberry, or Android?
Despite the tribulations with my iPhone, all in all, things have been decent.

<3 Momo

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