Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm a Bad Blogger, but You Love Me Anyway


Ah, you've posted a lot! I feel like such a bad blogger.

So yesterday was the graffiti contest and there were three teams there. We got second place. Oh well, I'm satisfied, our graffiti turned out way better than I expected, especially since it was the second time my friend and I had ever spray painted. The first place team was like these two 13 year old boys and their graffiti was so amazing. I feel like they've had plenty of coughillegalcough practice.
Anyway, so basically I'm obsessed with graffiti now. I really wanna learn how to spray paint like the little boys did! Too bad there aren't like graffiti courses or something, lol. I'm determined to learn though...

Today we went to my cousins' house with my grandparents (who've been staying with us since Thursday). It was fun spending time with relatives and eating yummy food, except we got home at like 8 and I was so tired. Then I remembered that I have a bio test on Monday and should study so I spent like an hour highlighting stuff from the book. Bio is a bit useless now because it's not like I can take it there anyway, so basically I don't need to know this stuff.

Oh, and I have SAT Subject Tests in 2 weeks... I need to study for those as well... Blaaaaaaah.

I don't think I really have anything else to say at the moment. Sorry that my post is a bit short, I'll post something better tomorrow (hopefully).

I'm gonna try drawing a graffiti design in my sketchbook now, bye. :3

<3 Rika

P.S. Why must you be so pretty? Makes me jealousssssss :S
P.P.S. Your other blog is adorable, I love it. POST SOMETHING THERE.

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