Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sweet Sixteen, CAMBODIAN PEOPLE, and Sundays


So I went to a sweet sixteen on Friday and had hibachi. Yay! It was quite yummy. I wore a cute Ralph Lauren tartan dress (the one I bought with you), and an express belt (the one you also have that I bought with you), and military boots. HARDYHAR
It was super fun! I love eating hibachi , because of fire, cool chopping skills, and FIYA! yumyum.
I got a steak and chicken hibachi!

On Saturday, I went to a Cambodian Festival in the city.
(1) Tons of Cambodian people
(2) I knew a lot of people
(3) I was interviewed for a magazine
I have been to two Cambodian festivals before the one in my city (not naming, just in case LOL). The ones before were in Boston. THERE WERE SHITLOADS OF CAMBODIAN PEOPLE. But to be honest,those festivals kind of sucked. They had bad performances, and bad weater (freezing!).
Ok, so the one we had here was smaller...WAY SMALLER, but I thought it was much better.
The only thing I have to complain about is the food. So one of my students found me (a student from when I used to teach kids in summer camp), and made me get food with her. I ordered around ten shishkabobs (cambodian style, called sekko an) and two eggrolls. I also bought two drinks for us. Guess what the total was? 35 freaking dollars. First off, there was not much meat on the shishkabobs AT ALL, and the drinks were mostly ice. I wanted to punch that cheap woman in the face, but held my anger in. $35 could be like a fancy steak/lobster dinner!!! WTF!!!

So you know that stereotype that all Asians know each other? Well, its true. I saw like ten of my students there, my family, and family I didn't even know I had. First off, there was a girl MCing the performances, like a host...Apparently she's like my third cousin? Haha. You see, the funny thing with having so many family members is that Cambodian people who date within the city have a high chance of dating their cousin. Anyways, other than that, I saw my two of my first cousins, and their immediate families. I haven't seen one of them in YEARS, so that was nice.
Lastly, I was interviewed for a magazine. That was the moment I realized I wasn't very good at making things up on the spot. My cousin, the one who was MCing the performances was also interviewed. Standing next to her made me sound very very stupid. LOL

So since we're on the topic of Cambodian people, recently, there was a Cambodian woman who is like 27? She killed her 12 year old daughter and 8 year old son by stabbing them to death. After, she tried to commit suicide, but failed. Apparently a lot of people knew her in the Cambodian community. Scary. Saying this will probably give off my location. MEH. hahaha
What kind of pisses me off is that...if you want to kill yourself, then kill yourself. Don't take away innocent lives as well. It would probably be hard to live without a mother and have that memory, but honestly, having NO mother is better than having a mother like her. And now what...They say she has bipolar and depression? Ok, whenever people say they have a mental illness or something it really pisses me off because it makes it seem like an excuse. Killing someone because of a disorder is not an excuse. Murder is murder. Having Bipolar/Depression doesn't lessen the CRIME.

Today is 9/11. It just makes me sad, and sick that people who can kill like that can exist in this world.
Relevant to 9/11, I believe, is the Virginian earthquake. OK, a lot of west coasters have been pissing me off. I was browsing youtube a while back when the earthquake happened, and a lot of Californians were like "that's like a fat boy running" or "you guys are (insert inappropriate word)s."
I hope these west coasters understand that at that time it was close to the tenth anniversary of 9/11. WHEN NEW YORKERS FEEL SHAKING, THEY ARE REMINDED OF NINE ELEVEN, NOT AN EARTHQUAKE. THEY ARE REMINDED OF A TERRORIST ATTACK.
Also, buildings on the east coast are NOT made for earthquakes. This is all NEW.
It really stuns me sometimes to know that people are really super insensitive.

Really, I feel like a total hater, but I am super opinionated, and can't stand it when people are ignorant.
This post ended up being me just ranting A LOT...LOL

Anyways, it is Sunday, and I haven't done anything. AHHH BUDDHA...hehe. Lunar New Year=Mooncakes <3
Sorry you are sick! GAH!!! I never really get sick. Just cramps. Hellish cramps. (I feel like I'm becoming super crude on here)
I looked up the geeky weddings thing. ADORABLE. SO CUTE. If someone ever did that for me, I would be so happy! HAHA.
"I'm running scared because I adore you...." uhh the power of love is just too intense that I just have to run away? make total sense.

OMG I HEARD THE GERMAN EUROVISION SONG IN H&M when i was with two of my male friends and I pulled them out of the store once it came on. LOL

AGHHH. I'm so weird.

<3 Momo

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