Sunday, September 25, 2011

College: Love It and Hate It


I'mma be there on Thursday already, at like 4 or something. On Friday we're meeting with the school at 11.

I know what you mean about college, I'm so freaked out. College is gonna be so fun, but the application process is scawyyyy. One of the teachers I asked to write a recommendation keeps avoiding my request.
Me: "Could you write a recommendation for me?"
Teacher: "Uh, I have to consult with the IB coordinator about this."
Next week
Me: "Even though I'm leaving, I still need a recommendation."
Teacher: "Yes, I got a message about that, but I still haven't talked to the coordinator."
So basically, I've gotten nowhere with her. With the other teacher it was so much simpler!
Me: "Could you write a recommendation for me?"
Teacher: "Ok."

Ugh, anyway, I have NO idea what to write for the essay! w8au39p8u4a :(
Haha, Drexel, that's my backup school. They sent me this email like "You're VIP at Drexel" and then they waived my application fee and stuff. Preeeetty nice. ;)

Yesterday I read The Glass Castle, it was pretty good actually. I liked it, even though the family was incredibly dysfunctional. I was surprised at how interesting it was because usually school books are boooooring.

I also spent like 4 hours typing up a study guide for the SAT Biology test. Now I have 41 pages of stuff to memorize. I also have 2 chemistry lab reports due, 10 chapters to read from our English book, and a Math test on Monday.

Now I'm gonna go do my Bio homework...

<3 Rika

P.S. This is a pretty song, I like it ^_^

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