Saturday, September 24, 2011

College Before a Life


This weekend is dedicated to studying. I have decided to spend a lot of quality time with my SAT books. So far I'm over halfway through with the Bio one, pretty good. Not that I remember anything... but my plan is to first read all the chapters and take notes on them, and THEN memorize everything. SATs are next Saturday so I still have a couple of days...

Because of this, I really have nothing interesting to post. I ate a chocolate croissant today, it was so good. It was filled with this chocolate hazelnut stuff, YUM. I also ate a lot of other yummy stuff... I like eating, eating is yummy, it's satisfying and fulfilling. Wow this makes me sound sad... lol.

Ummm yea... My computer is really annoying. It does this really annoying thing where, if I leave it on for a while without using it, the sound doesn't work anymore. When that happens, I have to turn off the computer and then turn it back on. SUPER ANNOYING.

With that said, I'm gonna restart my computer now. -.-

<3 Rika

P.S. I like that countdown calendar of yours. ;D

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