Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ninja Mode and Other Randomness


Sorry I didn't post yesterday. There was so much going on that I didn't have time.

Anyways, do you seriously have that many notes? I'm worried now because I gotta take US Gov too, and naturally I wanna take AP (because AP always looks better on apps), but I don't want to spend all my time doing homework... Oh well, it'll be worth it. Hopefully.

I have so many mixed feelings about this thing though. I'm so happy to go back, but I'll miss people here, and I'm kinda nervous/scared about school. By the way, October 7th, remember it.

Oh is that the little baby cousin I saw? She was adorable, and I usually don't like babies.
Haha, I like how she laughs at the ass-kicking parts, it seems like she'll be like you then.

Two different high schools? Is the other school for that health thing? What do you even do in that program? And that sucks about the rain, you two should decide more specifically about where you'll meet...

So today I realized that I can change the name of silent mode on my phone. Now it's called ninja. I feel pretty awesome when my phone's on ninja mode, haha. ^_^

I won't be able to post this weekend because I'll be going to math camp (nerdy I know, but it's fun). Anyways, my friend will be there (the one I told you about....) and I hope it won't be awkward, but he's been awfully persistent... Eh, at least I have other people to hang out with. It's bound to be... interesting though so I'll tell you what happens.

I feel kinda sick, my throat hurts and my nose is a bit stuffy... fun... I'm gonna go take some medicine or cough drops or something.

<3 Rika

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