Thursday, September 29, 2011

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow


I'm pretty content right now. I stayed home from school today because I felt kind of sick (and my parents were like, it's a pretty useless school day, stay home and study :3) so I've been studying the whole day. Literally. I took a 40 minute break to watch ANTM, and a 30 minute break for my piano lesson. Other than that, I've been studying all the time. I've read through 3 Bio books and taken 2 practice tests. On the practice tests I've consistently gotten 700+, so I'm satisfied that I'm not going to totally fail. :)

Now I'm taking a break to watch Gossip Girl, then maybe I'll study a bit more (I still can't seem to remember all the details about classification, and they're kinda important since I'm taking E instead of M).

Why do you go to so many different schools? It's so random. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GONNA SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! :DDD CAN'T WAITTTTTT.

So since I've spent the whole day studying, I don't really have anything interesting to say. OH I finally got teacher recommendations! :D But they're in paper form... Now I have to tell the teachers to somehow put them onto the Common App... Eh, at least I don't need to worry about getting them anymore.

<3 Rika

P.S. I don't care where we eat, anything's fine with me. I just wanna see you. :) And we shall tour the school because otherwise I will be completely lost on Tuesday. I have no idea what I'm gonna do on Monday though because my dad starts work then so I'll be lonely. :( Maybe I'll enjoy some quality American television. ;D haha

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