Saturday, September 3, 2011

first blog post ever, AHHHH


This is my second attempt at writing my first blog post ever, so does this even count as my first one? Basically blogpost hates me...

Anyway, it's sad what happened with your iPhone. Mainly because I know how you and electronics don't seem to get along, but also because I wanted an iPhone. After that hate list though, I'm not sure anymore...

Speaking of phones, something awkward happened. So we went with my German class to a church because my teacher wanted to give us a tour of it in German. While the teacher is telling us about its history and such, I get a text message and my message alert tone goes "That's when we, that's when we, that's when we ride, that's when we, that's when we ride on these bitches" (Dead in Ditches by Hollywood Undead). Anyway, my phone's ringing and I can't find it in my bag and everybody's staring at me. It was awkward, but pretty funny as well. Maybe that wasn't the best choice for a message alert tone though...

Oh so I found this picture you drew me in like 7th grade. It's so cute, all full of random doodles and such. Remember our manga phase? Haha yeaaaa, good times, good times.

Well I'm gonna go watch Friends now. Lately I've been obsessed with that show and I watch at least 3 or 4 episodes a day. Of course it helps how we have very little homework. ;)

<3 Rika

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