Monday, September 5, 2011

Awesomest school day ever tomorrow, Freddy, and an inconvenient number of French people


That sucks that you have a lot of homework. Well think of it this way, at least you're getting a quality education! I have three free periods a week so I basically do homework then. Oh, it's so amazing, tomorrow I only have one class which means my school day is from 10-11:15, YESSSSSS! :D Actually I'd have school until 4 (be happy you dont have school until 4, it's not fun..), but we don't have English or German tomorrow due to some teachers' meeting so yay!

I saw your haircut, it was cute! You did a good job cutting it yourself then, maybe you should become a hairdresser. ;) I've been thinking about what I'll do with my blonde streak when it grows out too much, maybe I'll dye it another color because I don't wanna go back to having hair that's only one color, haha.

For some reason, I really wanna watch Nightmare on Elm Street (the original version). I started watching it once, but I just ended up laughing at Freddy's laugh and run so I stopped. Maybe I'll force my friend to watch it with me.

OH GOSH, I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING I GOTTA TELL YOU. Ok, so I was talking to a few friends about the camp I went to in the summer and how I learned really random things in other languages. I said, "I learned what menage a trois means, 2 French guys taught me" After that everybody burst out laughing. Yeah, that's an inconvenient number of French people...

Hmm, what else? I gotta read a few chapters of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, edit an English essay, and write a chemistry lab report. Eh, I can do that tomorrow BECAUSE I GET OUT AT 11:15! Sorry, I just had to, I'm happy about it.

About the phone thing, our school has like no rules. People get calls during class so they just go out into the hall and talk, it's pretty ridiculous actually.

As a final note, the lady still hasn't responded to my email... This is getting annoying...

<3 Rika

P.S. The little figures on our page are so cute! I love the little blonde streak mine has. <3

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