Monday, September 19, 2011

Asian parents=UGH and my lack of blog


Hey, sorry I didn't exactly respond to your previous post about the graffiti and stuff. I was sososo busy :( ugh.
I posted that picture, because I just wanted to post something really quickly.
Anyways, CONGRATS!!! Dude, you are so freaking gangsta
and uhh,,,, I KNOW HOW YOU CAN GET EXTRA PRACTICE AT GRAFFITI-ING! ;) winkwink (illegal methods, hinthint)
yea, but I doubt you would do it...nor do I condone it.
graffiti sktetchbook? that is awesome. i think it's called a black book or something. I knew people who had that. however, it sucked.
but truthfully, YOURS DOESN'T. I really like your graffiti.
my favorite graffiti artist is fafi, but i only know her because of MAC, because she had a line of cosmetics. also, i like this japanese graffiti artist, but i don't remember his name :( japanese graffiti is cool though. I'm also into their tattoo art. SO NICE.
ALSO. coincidentally, it rained TONS last week and the week before. This was after the hurricane, but I think that was because there was another hurricane right after.

haha yes, we must go to saks. Speaking of the flags, i remember when you counted the flags the year before because apparently america has tons of patriotism. SO TRUE. I remember we passed by like a whole cluster of flags and we were like "lets count that as 50" or something like that.

here is the video...I am so awk
the IMPORTANT part is 12:58 HAHAHA where I am :D

<3 Momo
P.S. You gonna make your own blog too?

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